This site is a tribute to
Michael Roy Pooley
A loved Husband, Son, Brother, Grandson, Nephew, Uncle and friend. A most loving and peaceful land loving person, life lived outdoors in nature. He will be missed every day by everyone he came in contact with.
The Measure of a Man
The measure of a man is not determined
By his show of outward strength
Or the volume of his voice or the thunder of his actions
Or of his intellect or academic abilities
It is seen rather in the terms of the love that he has
For his family and for everyone
The strength of his commitments
The genuiness of his friendships
The sincerity of his purpose
The quite courage of his convictions
The fun, laughter, joy and happiness he gives
To his family and to others
His love of life his patience and honesty
And his contentment with what he had
By Grady Poulard.